Books on business communication skills

Top 20 Best Books on Communication and ListeningPutting together a list of excellent books on any subject is always a highly subjective exercise. Nonetheless it is often useful to try to sort through the clutter and at least try to assemble some worthy nominations based on a book’s quality or popular appeal (and all the books on this list have regularly topped the best selling and popular lists internationally and all carry between 4 and 5 star rating on The list of Top 20 of the best books on the broad subject of Effective Communication below includes only those written in the last 5 years (2007-2012). The list also includes several excellent books that are in their 2nd, 3rd, 4th and even 5th printing in this time frame. The top 20 list contains several notable authors who have written many books on the subject of communication. These include John Maxwell, Michael Nichols, Kerry Paterson and Ike Lasater.

The top twenty list below is rendered in reverse date order. A short description of the book is provided but much more information can be obtained by clicking on the book image (which takes the interested reader to the page for each book).

The Top 20:

  • The author of this little 56-page book suggests that Diogenes Laertius was right when he realized, “We have two ears and only one tongue, in order that we may hear more and speak less.” She therefore concludes that it’s time to take a closer look at the other side of communication. It’s time to end the shadowy existence of listening. Active listening skills can have a hugely positive effect on your whole life… whether it be strengthening your relationships, gaining valuable information for your business or improving your health and happiness?
  • Communication is the absolutely indispensable leadership discipline. But, too often, leaders and professional communicators get mired in tactics, and fail to influence public attitudes in the ways that would help them the most. The Power of Communication builds on the U.S. Marine Corps’ legendary publication Warfighting, showing how to apply the Corps’ proven leadership and strategy doctrine to all forms of public communication — and achieve truly extraordinary results. Communications expert, consultant, and speaker Helio Fred Garcia reveals how to orient on audiences, recognizing their centers of gravity and most critical concerns.
  • Nothing causes bad decisions in organizations as often as poor listening, but author Bernard Ferrari, believes that such missteps can be avoided. The books offers a step-by-step process that will help readers become active listeners, able to shape and focus any conversation. Ferrari’s practical insights include: Good listening is hard work, not a passive activity. Good listening means asking questions, challenging all assumptions, and understanding the context of every interaction. Good listening results in a new clarity of focus, greater efficiency, and an increased likelihood of making better decisions.

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