Examples of business communication skills

Open lines of communication to promote a healthy business.Open lines of communication to promote a healthy business.

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An ability to communicate effectively benefits all aspects of business ownership, especially during the early years as you guide your growing company and workforce toward success. Honing your communication skills allows you to relate information and orders in compelling and convincing ways, helping to ensure everyone in your organization is on the same page.

Setting Organizational Goals

The advent of a business is a confusing time for owners and employees alike. So much is unknown, and individual and organizational capabilities remain to be proven. Defining your goals and criteria for success helps organize everyone’s thinking. Whether you use a slide presentation, a rousing speech or a print prospectus, deliver a clear outline of your plans, including the overall mission of the business, the initial strategies you plan to pursue and your expectations for success. Affirm your commitment to the business to assure employees you are in it for the long term.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication consists of those elements that affect your message other than your words. For example, your body language and tone of voice betray your inner thoughts, which can serve or detract from your message depending on how well you control them. When things are rough, as they often are during a business’ first years, stand tall, speak with confidence and look people in the eye. Not only will such techniques convince prospective clients of your as-yet-unproven abilities, your employees also will feel inspired.

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