Professional business communication skills

bridget-beirne-1You’ve built the relationship, gotten the meeting, made a great presentation, and you’re about to close the sale. However, there's a silent-but-deadly danger lurking that can undermine your best efforts. The last thing you need is for your non-verbal communication to get in the way of a huge triumph. Poor body language in sales can be a deal breaker. The next time you find yourself at a critical sales moment, here are a few elements to remember to ensure your physicality is motivating your prospect to buy, not pushing them out the door :

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"Let's put a pin in that and circle back around in the breakout sessions, shall we? Or let's just offline it and I'll ping you later."

Ummm. What?

At this point, we've all become fluent in business-speak. Every now and again, some new idea arises for which the collective consciousness suddenly births a new term, and before we know it we're all "downloading" each other on new information. We not only create the dictionary, but then immediately put it into use.

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Topics: Business Etiquette, Business Communication Skills

Years ago, I worked at a conference that I'll never forget. The new, exciting, and amazing technology introduced at that time? The 3D printer. (That might give you an idea of when it was...) In a room full of people, I watched presentation after presentation of the latest technical innovations. All day, my attention was held.

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Oh, September. Even many years on, I can't shake the back-to-school feeling I get when September 1st rolls around. Call it an unhealthy attachment to shiny office supplies, new shoes, and a smart lunchbox if you'd like. (Ok, I've traded my lunchbox excitement for a travel mug obsession, but I digress...You can catch up with more of my September musings in this blast-from-the-past blog post.)

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Most of us today have a love/hate relationship with email. It’s arguably the most common form of written business communication, but it’s so commonly misused and abused that it’s easy for it to lose its effectiveness. But writing a good business email shouldn't be a struggle. Here are a few simple secrets to

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why is it important for business and professional students to develop good communication skills, and why

Because the better people can communicate with each other the quicker and easier things can be accomplished. If you have to struggle to understand what the other person is trying to say, or you're having trouble expressing your thoughts/posing your questions, things are going to be slowed down and it'll be difficult to get stuff done.

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