Process of Business Communication Definition

Good business communication occurs when there is a minimum of distortion in the intended message to the recipientGood business communication occurs when there is a minimum of distortion in the intended message to the recipient

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Business people today have many means of communicating with clients, co-workers, customers and company stakeholders. Cell phones, email and video-conferencing are a few of the ways businesses enable their employees to communicate to get work done. Understanding the nature of business communication can help a small business owner lead his company toward its goals and assist him in the day-to-day management of his company.


Business communication holds one overriding goal: People within an organization exchange information toward a common end. Communication can be between co-workers on a team, a directive from the CEO or a performance review with an employee. Business communication also includes communication by someone within the organization to someone outside it, such as a sales presentation to a customer or a message to stockholders.


Business owners may complain that good communication within their companies is sometimes lacking. Particular examples might include a teammate not explaining a task carefully to another teammate or a manager not holding enough staff meetings to keep his employees up to date. Good business communication is both effective and efficient. The target audience understands the intended message quickly and knows what is expected following the communication.

Related Reading: Styles of Business Communication


Business owners who understand the essence of good business communication know that certain communication methods work well in some situations but not in others. The difficult client is best handled in a personal sales call, not by an email message. The client may feel slighted and take his business elsewhere. The cell phone is a useful way to keep in touch with sales staff out on the road during the workday. The salesperson does not have to come back to the office to apprise the sales manager of that day's work. Cell-phone communication makes the sales force more efficient and possibly more effective.

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