Effective business communication in New Zealand book

Click to peek inside 101 Quick Tips: Effective CommunicationWant to be more memorable and persuasive?

Whether you’re talking to a client, writing an email or just entertaining over the dinner table, you have to know and practice essential techniques for getting your message across. Debbie is a bestselling author, columnist, media commentator and one of the most successful, sought-after speakers at business conferences around the world. Debbie’s tips are supplemented with great advice from well-known writers, presenters, speaking coaches and other business leaders.

With 101 Quick Tips: Effective Communication, you’ll learn how to be an unforgettable storyteller, negotiator and conversationalist!

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Andrew Gardner; Investors Edge
"Get on her email list mate! She sends brilliant tips every month. It’s the one newsletter I love to get!"

"Debbie, I am currently reading your book 'Successful Email Marketing' and I can't put it down. I've highlighted almost every page. Your information is so insightful and easy to implement and comes at perfect timing for my business. You are truly demonstrating all of your principles and it's inspiring. Thank you!"

"Debbie Mayo-Smith is an inspiration to anyone who works with the online channel. Ever since I attended her first seminar I've been hooked. Both her book and regular email newsletter are packed full of practical tips. Not the kind of tips that you groan at and say 'Tell me something I don't know' but genuinely useful tips that do make your life easier. I use her tools and ideas in my own business all the time."

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