Effective business communication on Managerial performance

The Importance of Effective Communication in an organisations:

Effective communication is a basic prerequisite for the attainment of organisational goals. No organisation, no group can exist without communication.


Co-ordination of work is impossible and the organisation will collapse for lack of communication. Co-operation also becomes impossible because people cannot communicate their needs and feelings to others.

Every act of communication influences the organisation in some way or other. It is a thread that holds the various interdependent parts of an organisation together. When it stops, organisation activity ceases to exist. An idea, however great it is, is useless until it is transmitted and understood by others.

When communication is effective, it tends to encourage better performance and job satisfaction. People understand their jobs better and feel more involved in them.

It is through effective communication that an executive ultimately gets work done by others. Therefore, a successful executive must know the art of communication. Moreover, communication is a means whereby the employee can be properly motivated to execute company plans enthusiastically. It is the means by which behaviour is modified, change is effected and goals are achieved.

The first executive function is to develop and maintain a system of effective communication-the tool for understanding. It is commonly said that what nerves are to human organism, communications are to an industrial system.

Since management has been described as getting works done by people, it is necessary to communicate what the management wishes to accomplish by the various tasks which the organisation has undertaken.

Communication is also an intramanagement problem. It is the force that binds the people of an organisation together. Through communication they can attain a common viewpoint and understanding and co-operate to accomplish organisational objectives.

Good communication presupposes a two-way flow of information from the top down and from the bottom up. It can be compared to a mighty river on the banks of which business life is built.

McGregor sees all communication as a major factor in influencing others. All social interactions involve communication. In organisation communi­cation is a two-way traffic whereby objectives, orders and policies are transmitted downward and desires and dissatisfactions are transmitted upward.

A successful executive should have the ability to receive, analyse and transmit information in motivating his subordinates in the right direction. Thus effective communication is a skill of management.

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