Internal Business Communications plan

Discover ways to disseminate business communications.Discover ways to disseminate business communications.

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Internal communication refers to the communication within a small business and its employees. As your business grows, the more challenging internal communication becomes. As a result, effective internal communication is essential for ensuring that the right people receive the message at the right time. Effective internal communication does not need to be costly. By utilizing what is available or applying cost-effective techniques, internal communication can be effective and free.

E-mail Newsletters

An internal e-mail program for a business might not be free, but creating monthly newsletters for employees to review and sending them via an e-mail program that the company is already using costs virtually nothing. On the other hand, e-mail newsletters, or e-zines, can help with making internal communication effective for employees. E-mail newsletters can be limited to certain departments or can be company-wide in scope. They can focus on specific elements of company policy, such as monthly “Health and Safety” newsletters, or they can keep employees up to date with company news. E-mail newsletters also provide an opportunity to include a calendar about company events and important dates to ensure that everyone is informed.

Meetings and Information Sessions

The idea of a company meeting seldom gets employees excited, but meetings don’t have to be onerous or unpleasant. Planning meetings with a theme can make the experience more enjoyable and cost the company almost nothing. For example, a company can establish monthly brown bag lunches in which employees can ask questions or address concerns with superiors. Additional options include coffee meetings with a department head, company owner or executive, or a public forum in which employees present ideas or concerns and discuss them openly with colleagues.

Related Reading: Habits of Effective Communication

Social Networking

Social networking sites usually reach beyond internal organizations, but they can be restricted for some employees. Social networking pages or blogs, for instance, can be limited in viewing, thus providing a free and familiar option for employees to post information while keeping that information within the boundaries of the company. Using social networking sites offers a more relaxed setting for employee discussion and ensures that important information reaches the right people. With the speed at which items can “go viral” through the medium of social networking, posting on a company social networking page or blog can sometimes be more effective than sending mass e-mail.

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