International Business Communication Standards

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The article below is a quick overview of the importance of monitoring your communication style.
(By David Ingram:

Communication, simply put, is the process of encoding a message and sending it to another individual or group using a specific medium. Communication in business involves a complex set of unwritten rules governing speech, written correspondence and body language that varies in different parts of the world. All businesspeople, from the entry-level manager to the seasoned venture capitalist, can benefit from paying attention to communication etiquette in business.


Communication is vital in any business setting, and the effectiveness of your communication skills can make or break your career or your business. Fundamental issues, such as personal respect, courtesy and adherence to cultural standards, can go a long way toward making lasting, positive impressions and working productively with individuals from different backgrounds.


Communication in business settings can take three distinct forms. Verbal communication consists of any spoken messages conveyed to others in person or through a technological medium. Written communication consists of any correspondence sent between individuals or groups, including letters and email. In addition to these fundamental forms of communication, body language plays a large role in communicating subtle nuances in the meanings behind your words. Businesspeople must understand the unwritten cultural rules governing all three types of communication to maximize the effectiveness of their interpersonal skills.

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