Nonverbal communication Clothing

nonverbal communication“55 to 80% of All Human Communication is Nonverbal… This an important aspect of Investigations”

Experts explain that a substantial portion of how we communicate is nonverbal. Each and every day we respond to hundreds if not thousands of cues and behaviors which include postures, facial expression, eye movements, gestures and tone of voice. Investigation depends on being able to read these nonverbal gestures as well as how you dress, shake a hand. These nonverbal gestures give off details and reveal who we are and really impact how we relate to other folks.

Science research on nonverbal communication began with the 1872 writings and publications of Charles Darwin’s The Expression of of the Emotions in Man and Animals.nonverbal communication Obviously since that time there has been abundance of research on the types, effects and expressions of unspoken communications and behavior. Nonverbal communication signals are so subtle that every day people are not consciously aware of them. There are several different types of nonverbal communication as it relates to investigative work.

In many cases, people communicate information in nonverbal ways using groups of behaviors.nonverbal communication For example, we might combine a frown, rubbing of the nose or rolling of the eyes with crossed arms and unblinking eye gaze to indicate disapproval or contempt

1. Facial Expression

Facial expressions are responsible for a huge proportion of nonverbal communication. Consider how much information can be conveyed with a smile or a frown. While nonverbal communication and behavior can vary dramatically between cultures, the facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger and fear are similar throughout the world.

In the image below Michelle Obama showing a clear and classic nonverbal display of contempt towards Mr. Boehner.nonverbal communication Note the left unilateral snarl with mid face tension, her left lip curling up, Although her eyes look in the direction of the Speaker, her head barely turns toward him.

The next is a chart that displays the Seven Common Facial Expressions

2. Gestures

Deliberate movements and signals are an important way to communicate meaning without words. Common gestures include waving, pointing, and using fingers to indicate numeric amounts. Other gestures are arbitrary and related to culture.

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nonverbal communication and clothing of Africa? | Yahoo Answers

You should try to find African art books in your library. Most address the topic. If you find "Art and Craft in Africa" by Laure Meyer you will find a general overview of textiles and clothing. From the Ashanti try "African Majesty" by Peter Adler and Nicholas Barnard. Also "Weaving in Africa" by Karl-Ferdinand Schaedler.

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