Business communication skills Doc

Good communication is essential for building rapport with clients.Good communication is essential for building rapport with clients.

communication1 image by Andrey Kiselev from

Being able to communicate effectively is a valuable trait that can help your business career flourish. Employers consider top-notch communication skills to be advantageous to their companies, so both you—and your employer—can benefit from your ability to communicate well. It’s well worth the effort to refine your communication skills, because communication is a necessity in nearly all areas of the business world.

Building Rapport

Building rapport is about establishing a level of familiarity and trust with clients, co-workers, stakeholders and even your competitors. It’s a process that relies on effective communication skills to help create a bond that fosters a healthy, trusting and profitable business relationship. Communication allows for a mutual connectivity, which, in turn, creates the rapport. According to a February 2005 article in “The Business Review, ” rapport building uses two types of communication: verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication is about making good eye contact with the person you are conversing with, mirroring her body language and actively listening.

Consider a salesman. He may know all the ins and outs of a product, but if he doesn’t possess excellent communication skills, he may not be able to establish rapport with his customers and will lose sales.

Resolving Conflict

As a manager, you may be required to resolve conflict among your department team members. Communication skills will help you handle disagreements tactfully and smoothly, without adding any ripples to an already turbulent situation. According to Help Guide, an online resource that offers advice on resolving challenges, conflict resolution relies on good communication skills, because miscommunication is often the reason for the conflict in the first place. When you employ effective communication strategies with your staff, you can smooth the waters so the team members get along and continue to be productive.

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