Effective business Communications

Business colleagues image by Vladimir Melnik from Fotolia.com

Effective communication at work is about knowing your employees and choosing the right message and channel for transmission. It may be necessary to develop a communications plan to outline strategies. The company’s culture is reflected in the nature of office communications, and business can hinge on effective communication.

Know Audience

Understanding your employee's roles and how they fit into your company's hierarchy is essential to creating effective communications. This information will help you tailor communications and better connect with your audience. According to a University of Wisconsin School of Business article titled “Why good communication is Good Business, ” when employees respect the management, it allows for more direct and better communication. According to the article, conveying the idea that everyone is on common ground when communicating with employees drives respect.

Communication Channels

Choosing the right channel is a vital component to effective communication. According an article in Pepperdine University’s Graziadio Business Report, you should consider the advantages and limitations of communication channels when sending a message. Then match the interaction with the desired level of involvement. For example, most detailed information should be written down, while more succinct information can be spoken. Further, email is an excellent tool in certain applications, but doesn’t work well with time sensitive, confidential materials or interactive communications. Sometimes using multiple channels is the best approach.

Related Reading: The Role of Effective Communication in Maximizing Business

Communication Plan

To clearly define communication methods, it may be a good idea to make a communications plan. A well-designed communications plan should reinforce your company culture. According to an article in Pepperdine University’s Graziadio Business Report, creating a “big-picture” communications strategy and a mission statement will help clearly define objectives. It will also identify communications methods, define the desired results and account for future adjustments. In addition, it may also be necessary to create a feedback system to measure the success of communication tactics.

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